Gradebook Overview

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You can review all items that are being assigned within Canvas through the gradebook.  Here you can see what is due, missing, or graded.  Remember, however, that the official gradebook is Skyward.  Check Skyward for your current average.


Checking Grades from a Computer

The gradebook can be accessed within each Canvas course.

Gradebook Overview


  1. Select Grades from the course navigation to view the gradebook for that course.
  2. You can arrange the way the grades are presented.  By default it arranges by due date.
  3. Check out the Status column to view any assignments that are Missing.
  4. In the Score column, a T will denote something has been submitted but it has not been graded yet.
  5. Anything that is graded will have a score appear here.
  6. If a teacher leaves a comment for the assessment, the speech bubble icon will appear at the right side of the assessment.  Click on the speech bubble icon to open the comment.
  7. Here is where the comment will appear.



Checking Grades from the Student App

Students and parents can both check grades from the Canvas Student app.  After logging into the app, select a course to access it.


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Select Grades from the list of options that appear.


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  • The gradebook will open. Grades are divided into Major and Minor grades. Note the headers highlighted below.
  • Search for grades by looking at the due dates listed below the assignment title.


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  • Many details are shown on the assignment page.  Note at the top in green you will be notified if/when the assignment was submitted.
  • Toward the bottom of the details the grade will be posted in the circle


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