Course Syllabus


Congratulations on embarking on this exciting journey through AP Chemistry. Most of you have a strong background in foundational techniques from your Chemistry 1 class, but AP Chemistry is a different beast! Understanding the material (as opposed to memorizing the night before the test) and creating a successful plan of attack is crucial, as you will be asked to apply your knowledge to many unknowns. 

AP Chemistry is a difficult course. To succeed, you must keep up with the assignments and be willing to spend time working through the material. The purpose of this summer assignment will be to make sure that everyone is at the same starting point come late August.  If you are a senior this year, you will want to dedicate additional time to this assignment to ensure you are ready!

Click on modules and begin by printing the periodic table, reference chart, and intro notes under the first module. Optionally, watch the videos for each section of notes. Once completed, feel free to open each additional module for more practice.

Go forth and learn! Let me know if you need help 😎 

Monica Flores GRHS
AP Chemistry

Course Summary:

Date Details Due